The alarm list contains species thought to pose a risk to surface waters and their ecological status under the EC Water Framework Directive, but whose presence has not yet been recorded in Great Britain.
This method statement describes a system for assessing and classifying surface water bodies (rivers, lakes, transitional and coastal) based on the presence of high impact alien species.
This method statement provides guidance on the use of the metal bioavailability assessment tool (M-BAT) for practitioners involved in monitoring, assessment and classification using the new EQSbioavailable that have been developed for a number of metals under the Water F
Benthic invertebrate communities are good indicators of acidification which is caused by acidic pollution from precipitation and acids leaching from the surrounding soils. They are easily suited to biological monitoring as they are common, widespread and easily sampled. This method is based on
A Nickel Bioavailability Tool (NiBAT) has been developed that simplifies the integrated NiBLM (Biotic Ligand Model) but runs in MS Excel. It requires data input for site-specific dissolved organic carbon, pH and calcium.
This classification method enables the assessment of invertebrates in rivers in relation to general degradation, including organic pollution.
This method statement describes how to determine the WFD class boundary values for the supporting element phosphorus in rivers.
This method statement covers a number of physical and biological indicators that could be used individually, or in combination, to help assess whether there is major or severe impact on river ecology due to altered flows arising from water resource activities.