This document presents the outcomes of a peer review of revised groundwater status classification (chemical and quantitative) guidance documents and the proposals for formalisi
Characterisation of risk is a requirement of Article 5 and Annex II of the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD).
Following the publication of the first River Basin Management Plans and in response to queries about the differences in nitrate threshold values, the UKTAG Groundwater Task Team has re-evaluated the methodology for calculating threshold values.
This document provides guidance on the requirements and methods for identifying and assessing statistically and environmentally significant trends in pollutant concentrations and natural parameters in groundwater.
Previous agreed guidance on Natura 2000 (N2K) „protected areas‟ has established which habitats and species „features‟ of the Habitats and Birds Directives should be considered as water dependent for the purposes of the WFD (UK TAG Guidance 4a- Identification of Natura 2000 protected areas).
This note recommends what we should do about the Freshwater Fish Directive (FWF), the Shellfish Directive (SWD) and the Dangerous substances Directive (DSD) which will disappear on 22 December 2013 as part of the Water Framework Directive.
The Directive’s requirements with respect to wetlands and groundwaters are linked to the environmental objectives Article 4 1b, to be applied to and monitored for achieving Good Groundwater Status (both quantitative and chemical) and as outlined in Article 4, Annex 5 of the Directive.
This paper provides an outline of the methods that will be used to report confidence in the classification of groundwater bodies. It should be read in conjunction with UK Technical Advisory Group (UKTAG) papers 11b(i) and 11b(ii), which provide guidance on groundwater classification.
This report on the classification of surface waters is one of a series of reports by UKTAG to the UK administrations setting out UKTAG's recommendations and proposals on how waters should be classified for the purposes of the Water Framework Directive.
The implementation of the Water Framework Directive has been an intensive on‐going process since the Directive’s adoption in 2000.