River Hydromorphology Assessment Technique (RHAT) Training Manual Version 2
UKTAG first published guidance on the classification of ecological potential in 2008. This guidance included lists of mitigation measures relevant to the range of adverse impacts on the water environment that the different water uses can have. For impoundments for the purposes of water storage and supply, 12 mitigation measures were identified. These recommendations supersede the existing guidance on assessing whether a measure is in place and adequate for 3 of these 12 mitigation measures, and have been determined following consultation and a stakeholder workshop throughout 2013.
The Final Recommendations on Environmental Standards following phase 3 of the review have been published (November 2013). This report includes zinc standards.
Following a consultation that ended on 28th February 2013, UKTAG has finalised its recommendations on 1) biological standards for rivers, lakes, coastal and estuaries and 2) phosphorus standards for rivers.
Development and review of a TraC Hydromorphology Decision Support Tool for (a) screening proposed new or altered activities / structures for compliance with WFD water body status and (b) classifying TraC waters under the WFD
Setting appropriate environmental standards for metals is particularly challenging because the proportion of metal in the water environment that is bound up in forms that do not pose a risk of toxic effects on water animals and plants varies.
The UK Technical Advisory Group (UKTAG) has commissioned a programme of work to derive Environmental Quality Standards (EQSs) for substances falling under Annex VIII of the Water Framework Directive (WFD).
The aim of this paper is to provide guidance on (a) the pressures from alien species on river, lake, transitional and coastal water bodies; (b) data required for carrying out risk assessments for Article 5 analyses; and (c) pressure thresholds at which water bodi
This report presents a proposal for a set of revised phosphorus standards for protecting High and Good status under the Water Framework Directive.
This is a Sniffer led project, the project funders were Scottish Environment Protection Agency, Environment Agency and Northern Ireland Environmental Agency, the work was done by APEM.