Risk assessment of groundwater dependent terrestrial ecosystems

The Directive’s requirements with respect to wetlands and groundwaters are linked to the environmental objectives Article 4 1b, to be applied to and monitored for achieving Good Groundwater Status (both quantitative and chemical) and as outlined in Article 4, Annex 5 of the Directive. There may be overlapping but separate obligations with respect to Article 4 (1c) for Protected Areas, to ensure that groundwater quantitative and chemical status are able to achieve “any standards and objectives” as required by the relevant legislation under which the protected areas are designated.The second paper contains the final list of NVC communities with associated groundwater dependency ratings, agreed by UKTAG Wetland Task Team (June 2008).  Note: This list supercedes the list of NVC communities published in the first paper Risk Assessment of Groundwater Dependent Terrestrial Ecosystems (TAG paper 5a-b (2004)).

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